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Throughout the hard-fought, often ugly 2024 presidential race, Republican Donald Trump repeatedly distanced himself from Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation's highly detailed, deeply conservative …

My father began retiring long before the sale of our farm's dairy cows in 1989. Began is the appropriate word because his exit from dairy farming was "slower than molasses in January," as he …

On Jan. 7, the day after Congress certified Donald J. Trump's election as the next president of the United States, the U.S. "Border Patrol conducted unannounced raids throughout Bakersfield [CA]... …

By far the biggest lender to U.S. farmers, ranchers, and rural businesses is the Farm Credit System (FCS) whose four banks and 56 associations hold nearly 50 percent of all debt in rural America. …

The four-page executive summary of the November-issued report on sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) doesn't predict when or how the hopefully-named "green" aircraft fuel will be produced. Instead, …

Why the results surprised anyone is itself a surprise. After the state of California began testing dairy herds for highly pathogenic avian influenza, known also as bird flu or H5N1, in August, …

Before 2024 slides into history, some noteworthy farm and food updates, please, to ensure these stories go with it. First, on Dec. 10, two judges–one federal judge in Oregon, the other a …

The Christmas tree was a scrub cedar hacked from the edge of the woods that bordered the farm. Big-bulbed lights, strung in barber pole fashion, generated almost as much heat as the nearby …

While the president-elect continues to nominate prospective members of his incoming administration, the outgoing Congress faces a hectic sprint to complete a long list of unmet legislative duties …

If you believe in striking while the iron is hot, you got to love Summit Carbon Solutions' swift, decisive action on its multi-billion-dollar, CO2 pipeline just two weeks after Donald J. Trump, the …

Nearly every autopsy of Vice President Kamala Harris’s stinging White House defeat begins with some variation of the phrase, “Voters pointed to the rising price of food as their chief …

Calls for $20 billion in "emergency" farm program payments won't go away now that the proposal's principal audience, voters, have done their duty. The idea's chief promoters, Congressional …

Election Day, Nov. 5, will end the costliest, dirtiest American political campaign season in memory and it will likely also mark Opening Day for what could be the costliest, dirtiest post-election …

Let's pause to consider the-above headline. First, it's a quote; I didn't write it. That's important because the third rail of today's ag journalism–the deadly, high voltage topic that can …

If you buy nearly two billion pounds of beef a year–an on-the-hoof equivalent of seven million cattle–you’d think you’d get the best deal ever from your suppliers. You are, …

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)–that toy poodle of a government watchdog overseeing the world's largest agricultural and financial futures contracts–is being courted by …

Like farmers and ranchers, veterinarians love to pour concrete. Many build customized facilities dedicated to their animal health mission: examination rooms, operating theaters, cattle chutes, …

A late September, 200-mile drive through the sunny center of northern and central Illinois reveals blue sky, yellowing fields, and not one roaring red, green, or silver combine gathering in any of …

It's easy to see why Eligio "Kika" de la Garza was elected to 16 consecutive terms in the House of Representatives (1965 to 1997) and served his final seven (1981 through 1994) as chairman of the …

As American grocery buyers await a Federal Trade Commission verdict on Kroger's two-year-old, $24.6 billion bid to buy competitor Albertsons, the European Commission took just 35 days to give its …

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