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As our high school seniors zero in on graduation next month we pause to wonder how many of them will read the tea leaves and choose a vocation sure to promise immediate jobs with above average …

Fresh off his indictment, booking and fingerprinting in Manhattan on Tuesday, former President Donald Trump emerged in Mar A Lago to vent his rage before a crowd of supporters. Trump called the Black …

Saddle up! We hear the hoof beats already as Cherokee’s 57th annual PRCA Rodeo comes stampeding on the horizon, saddlebags packed with ridin’ and ropin’ and three days of fantastic family …

A universal school of thought is that too many boards, councils, administrations, etc. serve their terms patronizing their constituents and avoiding controversy and second guessing, while decorating …

Let’s see ... we’ve run out of cars, computer chips, baby formula, plywood and lumber, toilet paper, morals, and glue for popcorn bags, but any x!@#$%! dirt ball can go buy a deadly assault rifle …

The reoccurring discussion of changing the name of Cherokee’s Washington High School to simply Cherokee High School, resurfaced at the March 20 school board meeting.   The proposed name change …

It’s 6 a.m. I’ve had a strong cup of black coffee, two pieces of toast and a cigarette. There’s the pit-pat of feet and a knock-knock on the bathroom door. “Snookums, are you about done?” …

Voted nicest kid in class as a 1st grader, Mikey Pence transitioned through elementary and high school without ever getting into a single scuffle or controversy with teachers, fellow students, …

Words can convey both meaning and opinion. They therefore can be weaponized, stretched beyond their literal usage, to win favor, or to bully, or to slander. Propagandists know the power of words – …

We proudly salute the 100th Cherokee County Fair hosting its first annual Fundraising Supper on March 25th at VFW-KeeStirs in Cherokee.   What a great idea to help promote our fair, encour- age …

Editor’s note: It was announced March 9 after this editorial was published that the University of Iowa athletics department will repay $2 million to the state to cover the costs of a recent legal …

Politicians who flourish in darkness are set on undermining a strong and independent network of community journalism by eliminating paid public notices in Iowa newspapers. A Senate subcommittee on …

Citizens, be very afraid.   A Republican-led movement to cripple and close newspapers large and small is again afoot in the Iowa Legislature. The worst of this is what’s motivating such …

As Old Man Winter keeps up the miserable encores, it’s never too late to applaud the dedication to duty of our street and road crews, utility workers, law enforcement officers, fire fighters, and …

We are curious why two members of the Cherokee County Board of Supervisors would continue kicking the can down the street regarding the ongoing flap between the county and Little Sioux Wildlife …

Donald Trump didn’t bother to consult Zippy Duvall of the American Farm Bureau about dusting off his trade-war playbook with China. Trump must not have asked former ambassador to China Terry …

With mental illness so terribly hard to define, we’ve reverted to creative psycho-babble terminology to serve as a catch-all curtain to hide behind when no other viable answers are …

Rural pressure against pipelines pumping liquefied CO2 by lever of eminent domain threatens to rupture Republicans controlling the statehouse. Several bills promoted by Northwest Iowa …

The Iowa Senate Judiciary Committee voted 10-8 this week to advance a bill that would reinstate the death penalty for the first time since 1965. Our enduring respect goes to Sen. Lynn Evans, …

The gullibility of many to worship celebrity over substance runs rampant in politics. Especially if the object of this unsatiable desire flies the party banner. We don’t care who the candidate is, …

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