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Over the last several weeks, we’ve received negative reports and forecasts about the economy and our fiscal outlook. Inflation rose in September – opposite expectations – and was up …

Last Monday, October 14, the state of Iowa observed Indigenous Peoples’ Day (traditionally   called Columbus Day), in recognition of the roles native tribes have played in the …

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)–that toy poodle of a government watchdog overseeing the world's largest agricultural and financial futures contracts–is being courted by …

Since I was first elected to Congress, I made a pledge to Iowans that I would visit every county in the 4 th  Congressional District at least twice a year to hear directly from my constituents …

Donald Trump is a felon. A fraud. An abusive pervert. So say the juries and judges. Trump may be mad, or at least senile — did you see him ambling around to the Ave Maria on stage in …

Iowans are proud of our long history of strong public schools, vibrant communities where neighbors look out for each other, and the freedom to make decisions for our own families. Lately, …

Like farmers and ranchers, veterinarians love to pour concrete. Many build customized facilities dedicated to their animal health mission: examination rooms, operating theaters, cattle chutes, …

An iconic Texas band, the Austin Lounge Lizards, has a song that nails the absurd self-righteousness of Christian supremacists: “Jesus loves me… but he can’t stand you.” …

We celebrate National Farmers Day on October 12, during the height of harvest, to honor the men and women who feed and fuel the world. The dirt underneath my own fingernails, from our 4th generation …

Where are today’s Menachem Begins and Anwar Sadats? Or Yitzhak Rabins and Yasser Arafats? Without leaders of their stature and their willingness to compromise for the good of their people, …

Avian flu has jumped to mammals. More dairy workers are reporting the illness. In California, a major dairy producer, up to a third of the herds may be infected. Pasteurized milk is reported safe to …

Morning breaks crisp as the soybeans come in. They’re shooting geese and dragging in docks. We’re not even a month out from a presidential election. Our politics is being reorganized, and …

Rob Sand, Auditor for the State of Iowa, recently did what no statewide elected official in Iowa has done in a long time — he brought attention to problems in nursing homes. A report from his …

To listen to Donald Trump tell it, America is going to hell in a handbasket. The economy is in free fall, Christianity is under siege and the scourge of immigrants is destroying our culture. …

Most Americans believe in democracy - or say they do. The United States operates as a representative democracy. That means we elect leaders to do the work of governing, and we get to vote for those …

Talk about lousy optics — and I am not referring to out-of-style eyeglasses. Public perception is the topic for today. There were a couple of recent news nuggets that illustrate in …

A late September, 200-mile drive through the sunny center of northern and central Illinois reveals blue sky, yellowing fields, and not one roaring red, green, or silver combine gathering in any of …

There’s only a few weeks remaining before the 2024 presidential election comes to a close, that is, pending post-Nov. 5 election certification, recounts, challenges and law suits. Ed Kilgore, …

What comes after Nov. 5? Most Americans and the betting markets believe that Kamala Harris will win the election. She’s even close in Iowa. No matter what happens, we need to find center …

It’s easier to house hogs than humans in rural Iowa. You can put up a confinement just about anywhere you want. If the neighbor finds swine a nuisance, good luck making your court claim pay …

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