
Mullins wins Republican nomination for Supervisor via special convention


After a special convention by the Cherokee County Republican Party on July 8, Ray E. Mullins II has secured the party’s nomination for the District 1 County Supervisor seat. The race for District One, which contains northern Cherokee County with Afton and Cherokee townships, was too close to call after June’s primary election. Mullins explained that as he told the delegates at the convention, “Even in the primary election, 70% of the voters wanted someone other than the incumbent. People want some kind of change.”

The primary ballot listed four Republican candidates for the post. They included Phil Stowater, Chad Brown, Mullins and incumbent Rick Mongan, all of Cherokee. Cherokee County GOP chairman Mark Leeds informed the Chronicle Times that Stowater withdrew his candidacy on the afternoon of July 8, citing other commitments.

Although 34 delegates were elected after the February caucuses, only 28 delegates attended the convention. According to Leeds, one of the three remaining candidates needed to receive 50% plus 1, which translates to 15 votes to win. 

The convention, which was closed to both the media and members of the public, saw three rounds of voting. The rules also indicated that two rounds of voting must be held before the bottom candidate could be dropped from the ballot.

The votes were as follows:

  • Round 1: Brown 7, Mongan 10, Mullins 11
  • Round 2: Brown 4, Mongan 11, Mullins 13
  • Round 3: Mongan 11, Mullins 17

Mullins, a native of Larrabee who also serves as vice president for the Cherokee Community School Board, will join several other Republicans running uncontested on the local ballot in November including incumbent Bryan Petersen for District 2 County Supervisor, incumbent Sheriff Derek Scott, County Treasurer Jodi Mongan and incumbent Auditor Kris Glienke. Additionally, the election for District 5 County Supervisor will see Republican Shane Bellefy square off against Democrat Stephanie Zarr. 

“I’m super excited,” Mullins told the Chronicle Times. “I am eager to get in there and get to work. It’s time to get the county moving forward. The hard work is just starting now, but I’m honored to be nominated to serve Cherokee County as best as I can.”

Election 2024, Ray E. Mullins II, Rick Mongan, Chad Brown, Phil Stowater, Mark Leeds


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