
Behind the scenes at RJ Thomas ManufacturingCompany has a long local history


RJ Thomas Manufacturing Company hosted a group of visitors at a behind-the-scenes tour last week.

Led by Adam Thomas, grandson of company founder R.J. Thomas, the tour featured an hour-long walkthrough of the manufacturing operation. Employees who were on hand to answer questions and give information were Steve Thomas, Andy Thomas and Dave Freese.

The facility is well-organized and filled with busy employees. RJ Thomas uses not only manpower, but several robotic machines in order to create its products. For more than 60 years the company has created Pilot Rock equipment for parks, streets and campgrounds. Their dedication to high quality products have earned them one of the best reputations in the business. 

The company constructed its first building in 1949 with the intention of manufacturing R.J. Thomas’ Pulver Rooter invention, which was designed to simultaneously cultivate and plow corn and cotton fields. As RJ Thomas Manufacturing grew, the company became known for its custom design work, which led it to creating park equipment. 

In the early 1960s, Cherokee County Conservation Board member John Gilchrist approached and collaborated with R.J. Thomas to design a charcoal grill for the new Martin’s Access park. As the park was being developed, the conservation board realized certain amenities would be needed for picnickers and campers.

The design that the two men created was so popular that it sparked a new line for Thomas’ company.

Thomas chose the name Pilot Rock for the park equipment in recognition of the landmark near his factory. The demand for Pilot Rock park equipment grew so much that by the late 1970s, the company discontinued production of agriculture equipment and solely focused on charcoal grills, campfire rings, park benches, picnic tables and trash receptacles. 

Over the course of the April 13 tour, Adam Thomas explained that several of the large machines on site, the process of how they are used to create a product and the technological advances that have been incorporated over the years. Although they maintain and often use older equipment, the company also implements current computer technology and robotics to deliver premier quality products. 

As the company has expanded, efficiency and capacity also increased. Many of the high-end products are manually welded by their best staff members rather than machinery. This is only one example of how RJ Thomas has built a strong reputation. Employing more than 70 people, many workers have remained with the company for several years. 

Additionally, RJ Thomas Manufacturing is a strong supporter of its local community. The tour, offered in collaboration with the Cherokee Chamber of Commerce, was only one of the many groups that visit the facility each year. Students from surrounding schools are able to visit the factory and explore potential career paths and learn about what the company does. They often contribute to many other programs, causes, and are a charter participant and donor in the Cherokee County Promise Program through WITCC.

RJ Thomas’ current brand product line includes park and athletic benches, picnic tables, trash and recycling receptacles, bear-proof receptacles and food lockers, lantern holders, bike racks, custom signs, charcoal grills, campfire rings and more. It also offers custom metal fabrication work. Their products can be found far and wide, from national parks to backyards.


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