
Hitting the target


At Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors public meeting the Chronicle Times was accused by Supervisor Duane Mummert of “targeting” him and the board by criticizing them over the Little Sioux Wildlife Association public land-grab fiasco.

Mummert also reported that he is receiving calls from angry county residents over the controversial issue and faulted our opinion editorials for causing it.

If our elected, well-paid government officials can’t stand a little heat in the kitchen after they themselves lit the stove, they should consider leaving the public arena they willingly chose to enter.

The LSWA battle with the County Conservation Board over ownership and management of the LSWA Area has been exacerbated and allowed to fester because Mummert and fellow supervisor Rick Mongan have obviously taken up the LSWA cause. They voted for the county to continue its lease with LSWA despite the fact it violated Iowa Code. Elected public officials choosing to violate laws must be held accountable. And if they have vested interest in the LSWA they should abstain from voting on matters pertaining to the LSWA and county.

The two supervisors, who we think in the past have been exemplary in serving the county and its taxpayers with sound, valid judgment, are missing the target on this one.

We encourage them to feel free to come visit us for some targeting practice.


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