
Mummert resigns position as parks superintendent


Duane Mummert, Cherokee Parks Superintendent, resigned his post in protest after this week’s city council meeting. Cherokee City Hall confirmed that council member Dave Wilberding resigned his seat as well.

Mummert, who has held the position for 38 years, had been the subject of ongoing discussion regarding an annual wage increase to $77,000. The motion for Mummert to receive an additional salary increase above the percentage offered to all department heads for the upcoming fiscal year came from Wilberding. Wilberding had brought the agenda item to discussion several weeks ago and lauded Mummert not only for all of the “additional work he performs” on behalf of the city but also for his expertise. Wilberding cast the sole “aye” vote on the motion at the June 25 meeting.

Mummert told the Chronicle Times that “it came down to the principle of it” in regards to his decision to resign. When asked for additional information, Cherokee City Hall declined to comment.

Wilberding released a statement to the Cherokee Chronicle Times on Friday morning, which said,

"If my belief is strong enough, I have no problem backing it up with actions. After reading the article about Duane’s and my resignation in the paper, I’ve decided to take the High Road and issue no further comments".


Follow the Cherokee Chronicle Times as this story develops.

Duane Mummert, Dave Wilberding


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