
Letter to the Editor - Paul Struck


Dear Paul,

I have intended to write you a letter ever since I retired from coaching and teaching. I always wanted to tell you how much I appreciated your newspaper coverage of Cherokee Middle School athletics.

Before I came to Cherokee in 1976 I had previously coached high school sports. It was extremely time consuming, and realized I needed to spend more time with my family.

I came to Cherokee to teach science and coach middle school track. When I arrived I was also asked to coach middle school football and basketball, which I accepted.

Middle school athletics don’t receive much press, but that changed with you. I want to thank you for all of the nice articles you wrote about the athletes and me. The young athletes I had the pleasure of coaching appreciated the ink as much as I did. I hope they saved the articles you wrote.

I also enjoyed your weekly editorials. You often took the lyrics of a song and turned it in to a meaningful or humorous idea to express your point. I always looked forward to your editorials and often they were the first part of the paper I read. Your articles were always interesting and pertinent to our times.

I have often wondered how in the world a little town in northwest Iowa called Cherokee could have landed someone with your journalistic talents. Your writing is witty and thought provoking. I mean, my goodness, you could have been a writer for the New York Times or any paper of that stature. I seriously mean that Paul. I don’t know why you stayed here, but I am thankful you did. I am not an expert in writing ability but I am constantly amazed how you express yourself in words.

Again, thank you for all the press for our junior high athletes. It meant a great deal to me and the kids.


Larry Goodrich

Cherokee, IA


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